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I do hope that one day we may be free, free to exsist and love as humans without judgement or fear of others hurting us for just living. I dream of that future, a future that might not even exsist in this universe.

The doctor

Greetings fellow traveller, I'm the doctor, the artist and writer and just general creative behind this account and the stories within it.
My stories have been my outlet for my emotions and mental health issues for years, they mean a lot too me. I do hope that one day i can fufill my dreams and display my works too the world through whatever medium i feel speaks too them best.
If you wish, you're allowed to join me on that journey.



Because he's such an integral part of who I am I feel I may as well give a bit of information on her.
Originally I created bandy based off a little hedgehog ornamant that had a red polka dot bandanna on it, it was a wooden tree ornament my sister bought me from a plant shop near where we live and I wanted to create a character based off it. The REASON I made her my sona however was because I was at a point where I was struggling a lot with my art and especially myself and I had been struggling to pin point a new sona for a few years. I had one originally for over i think 4 years or so but due to poor memories assosiated and other things i let go of that one in search of finding something that represented me better.
Bandy worked for me because I made him something that worked like the past sona before him. Something simple I could alter too fit my mood and emotions and general feelings. She means a lot too me, she is me in a sense yes - but I'll always view him more as that little friend who helps to guide me in the dark when i can't find my way.


Oh; you're still here...

I suppose if you're curious, you can stay too hear some more about me. I'm the doctor, though most just refer to me as casually Doc or Bandy - Doc should be understandable, and Bandy is mearly the alias I choose to up hold as it also allows me to present myself in a more fun light behind my actual sona.
A lot of my stories are very well influenced by my mind. Characters like Erwyn ~ who if you're not familiar with, I'm sure you'll become aquanted with him shortly ~ became so meaningful too me as they became my way too escape from my reality and mind. I don't want this too seem like I condone poor behaviour or ill thoughts and intentions. I'm still young, I'm still confused and I need a way to process horror and trauma ~ so my art took that weight for me.
As far as I'm aware, I have autism and additionally perhaps a few other undiagnosed issues along side it. I'd be more aware of what was going on in my mind if figuring out this stuff was easy. And the uk healthcare system doesn't make it easy to get diagnosed for anything even if i had an inkling on what was going on. For now I'll speak my mind and my troubles through my work and hope that can guide me too safety.

DrBandy © 2024 - my work is not to be used to train AI, be reuploaded or used without credit